Local and Federation sponsored booking/referral services:
Local 294 assists potential live music purchasers in the Harrisburg/York/Lancaster area in finding the right artist or group for their party, wedding, festival, corporate function or any other event that requires live music. In addition, the AFM provides an international on-line referral service (free of charge to all members and potential purchasers) that is quickly becoming one of the largest Internet resources of its kind.
Signatory Booking Agents:
The AFM maintains an on-line list of franchised booking agents for the US and Canada. These agents are signatories to the AFM’s Booking Agent Agreement which sets standards for legally enforceable contracts specifying negotiated fees, working conditions, and commissions.
Online Booking Site Access:
If you have a group that does weddings, banquets, and other types of events you can register your group here. https://afmentertainment.org/ In the top left corner of the page is a musicians area. Use the same user name and password that you use to access the afm.org site. Requirements for photos and audio files are listed there.
AFM GoPro Web Hosting:
If you would like to have your own website, your membership gives you access to go pro hosting. AFM GoPro Hosting: Affordable Web Hosting for Musicians Starting at $19 a year it is a great deal.
Exclusive Member Services:
- AFM GoPro Music – Your Single Source For Live Music
- AFM GoPro Lessons – Learn From a Pro – Play Like a Pro
- AFM GoPro Hosting – Professional Web Hosting Services
Immigration Assistance:
The AFM is an international union representing professional musicians in both the United States and Canada. On behalf of its members who accept gigs across the border, the Federation works with the governments of both countries to cut through the hassle of “red tape” usually associated with obtaining work visas in either location. This assistance is available for both US and Canadian musicians. There are specialized Canadian and US forms, both formats conform to the laws of the individual countries, are easy to complete, and provide comprehensive legal protection for either single engagement or touring dates.
Claims on Default:
In the event a purchaser defaults on payment to members for a contracted engagement, Local 294 and/or the AFM will work to resolve the dispute between the parties administratively.
Pension Fund:
Members have the option of having the employer make contributions to the Pension fund of up to 15% of wages paid on their behalf.
Negotiated Agreements:
International, national and local agreements covering all types of musical work ensure fair and timely payments as well as benefits and royalties (where applicable) for the reuse and new use of music recorded under these agreements.
Legal Contracts:
A signed AFM contract offers you protection for individual engagements, steady engagements, and traveling work. The AFM has a standard form contract that all members are entitled to use. It contains the AFM seal and when properly filled out and filed with the Local, it allows the local officer to help collect payments in the case of a default. Forms are available for download from the AFM’s website.
TEMPO-Legislative Representation:
The AFM is actively involved at the national, state and local levels, advocating and lobbying for legislation that benefits the lives of working musicians including public funding for the arts.
TEMPO is a fund that supports candidates and lawmakers who fight for issues impacting working musicians. Contributions to the TEMPO fund are not tax deductible and are completely voluntary. If you would like to read more about some of the issues and contribute to the TEMPO fund you can do so by clicking on this link https://www.afm.org/what-we-are-doing/tempo/
International Musician Free Subscription:
The International Musician is the official journal of the AFM. Published monthly and sent to all members, this informative newspaper delivers articles of current interest to professional musicians, such as educational resources, labor news, as well as audition notices and help wanted ads. The International Musician is also available online, beginning the first of each month, in the private members area of the AFM website. Members may also search online through past issues in the International Musician archives.
Equipment Insurance:
The AFM provides access to an “All-Risk” Musical Instrument and Equipment Insurance Plan. Your instruments and music-related equipment are protected from vandalism, breakage, water, fire, lightning, and theft up to the full replacement value. If you are employed full-time, freelance, work out of your home, or are self-employed, this insurance protects the large investment you’ve made in your equipment.
A.F.M. Mastercard:
The A.F.M. Mastercard offers special rates, travel insurance benefits, and a special payment provision. Contact the Local 294 office for details.
A Collective Voice:
It is only through the combined efforts of our members that we are able to better the position of musicians in our society. As a collective unit, we not only have a strong voice in collective bargaining and government lobbying, but anywhere that musicians work. As a member, you will have a voice in deciding our collective future.